Are Steroids Haram and Halal? (what Islam law says)

January 10, 2024 |

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Some Islam sees the use of anabolic steroids as haram or forbidden.

While there are a few reasons for this decision: medical risks, unfair advantage in sports, and appearance-related issues – is it really against the Islamic faith?

The thing is:

The use of steroids is not mentioned in the Quran and is, therefore, permissible. But there’s more!

In this post, we are going to explore some of the reasons why many Muslims believe that steroids are haram.

Are Steroids Haram?

The answer, however, is not as straightforward as one might think. In Islam, there are certain things that are considered haram or forbidden. But steroids do not necessarily fall into that category.

However, the use of steroids could be considered haram in Islam when it is abused to the point where it is hurting one’s health or seriously affecting other aspects of life.

Another perspective is when it’s taken to break the rules or cheat at some competition that has prohibited them. In this case, steroids would be considered haram because they are being used to commit a sin.

But if you are using them in a healthy way and within the confines of what is allowed by Islamic law, then there is no reason why they cannot be used.

Finally, when one takes steroids to alter his appearance or build muscle, it could be said that this is an act of vanity.

And while Islam does not forbid vanity as such, it does warn against overindulging in it. So if you are using steroids for the purpose of looking good and not for any health-related reasons, then this could be seen as a form of extravagance which is not encouraged in Islam.

Why Makes Anabolic Steroids Haram?

The reasoning behind seeing steroids as haram is threefold:

  • Medical Risks
  • Unfair Advantage In Sports
  • Appearance-Related Issues

To back these points with the teachings of Islam:

Medical Risks are a Major Issue:

From the time of Prophet Muhammad, there are several narrations that warn against consuming poison.

In one narration it says: “Every intoxicant is haram (unlawful) and every potion [or liquid] with which you are intoxicated is also unlawful.”  Then he was asked what about ghee (clarified butter) and he said: “No, but it makes the heart hard.”

Poison is anything that harms the body and steroids are a kind of poison. They can seriously harm your health if not taken in the right doses or if you are not aware of the risks involved.

Unfair Advantage In Sports:

Islam prohibits cheating and using any means to get an advantage over the competition. This is why alcohol and gambling are both harams because they give someone an unfair edge.

And consuming steroids can definitely be seen as a form of cheating since they help athletes perform better than their opponents.

In fact, a lot of countries and sports have banned the use of illegal steroids to avoid unfair advantages.

Appearance-Related Issues:

The use of steroids is accompanied by a number of side effects that are not only harmful to the body but can affect one’s appearance as well. Steroids are often associated with cases where they are used in order to develop muscles and enhance physical performance.

To be fair, such effects are only temporary since once the drugs are discontinued the user will return to his original state.

But in the meantime, he would have to live with some side effects possibly for the rest of his life.

As you can see, there are many reasons why steroids are considered haram and it is important that Muslims avoid taking them whenever possible as they could lead to serious bodily harm or even death if abused severely enough.

Islamic Dietary Laws

Islam outlines specific dietary principles to guide Muslims in their daily lives. These principles provide a framework for Muslims to follow to maintain balance, good health, and obedience to Allah. As you explore Islamic dietary laws, you will come across essential categories: Halal, Haram, and Makruh. By understanding these categories, you can make informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle, ensuring you follow Islamic teachings.


Halal refers to the foods and practices that are permissible according to Islamic law. These include consuming only animals that are slaughtered in the name of Allah, avoiding animals that die of natural causes or are strangled, and ensuring that the animal’s blood is entirely drained. Islamic dietary laws also promote the consumption of clean and wholesome foods, which contribute to your overall well-being.


Haram refers to the foods and practices that are strictly forbidden in Islam. Foods considered haram can harm the body or mind and are against the teachings of Allah. Some examples include:

  • Pork and pork products: The Quran considers the pig an impure animal, so its consumption is strictly prohibited.
  • Alcohol and intoxicants: These substances can impair your judgment and affect your spiritual connection with Allah.
  • Animal blood: Consuming blood is considered unclean and impure in Islam.

Apart from these examples, any substances or practices that harm your body and soul are considered haram.


Makruh refers to foods and practices that are discouraged but not outright forbidden in Islam.

Consuming makruh foods or engaging in makruh practices is not sinful, but avoiding them is better for your spiritual well-being. Examples of makruh include eating garlic or onions before attending prayers, overeating, and wasting food.

By understanding the distinction between Halal, Haram, and Makruh, you can take an informed approach to your dietary habits and lifestyle within your faith. These categories help maintain a harmonious relationship with Allah while ensuring your physical and spiritual health.

Scholarly Opinions on Steroids

There has been quite a bit of debate among Islamic scholars about whether using steroids is haram (forbidden) or halal (permissible). In this section, we will explore the majority and minority views on this issue. It’s important to inform yourself of these different opinions to better understand the Islamic perspective on steroids.

Majority View

The majority of Islamic scholars contend that using steroids is haram, or forbidden.

They base their argument on a few reasons, such as the potential medical risks associated with steroids, the unfair advantage they provide in sports, and the appearance-related issues that may arise. Moreover, scholars emphasize the importance of preserving one’s health and consider taking potentially harmful substances a violation of this principle.

Minority View

On the other hand, there is a minority view among scholars that steroids may be halal, or permissible, under certain conditions. This view holds that if a qualified and experienced medical practitioner prescribes steroids to address a specific health concern, their use could be considered acceptable.

However, self-medicating or using illegal substances remains haram, and a proper balance should be maintained to avoid any potential harm. Remember, this is the minority opinion, but it highlights the complexity of the issue and the need to take individual circumstances into account when forming an opinion on steroid use in Islam.

Is bodybuilding haram in Islam?

No, there is no specific prohibition against bodybuilding in Islam. However, if you are doing it for the wrong reasons – such as vanity or to show off – then this could be considered haram.

If you are using steroids to help with your bodybuilding goals, then this would not be considered haram provided that you are using the drugs according to medical advice and are aware of any potential side effects.

Bodybuilding is good for your body. It can help you be strong and healthy, which Islam also encourages.

In fact, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Seek that which will benefit you and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart.” (Tirmidhi)

So as long as you are doing it in a healthy way and for the right reasons, there is no harm in bodybuilding. However, if you are using steroids to artificially bulk up your muscles, then this would be haram.

What are the Best Legal Steroids to use?

As I mentioned earlier, the majority of the steroids known have been labeled as controlled substances and are illegal to use and sell in the United States and many countries worldwide.

So what are your options?

As I mentioned earlier, there are some legal steroids that you can find online – like:

These are all safe and legal alternatives to illegal steroids with the effects mentioned earlier.

And they are made from 100% natural ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about any harmful side effects.

You can also find a lot of information on natural bodybuilding and how to get the most out of your workouts without using steroids.

Whatever route you decide to go, just be sure to do your research and always consult with a doctor before starting any new supplement or workout routine.

Final Thoughts

It is important that we realize not all things are created equal, and there are some substances or actions that can be harmful to us in the long term – even if they may provide an initial benefit.

So while using a substance like steroids might seem harmless now it could have serious consequences later on.

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