Do Appetite Suppressants Make me Hungry? (why)

January 8, 2024 |

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There are a lot of talks these days about appetite suppressants and whether they work or not.

Some people seem to think that if you take suppressants, you’ll be so focused on not being hungry that you’ll forget all about food and end up eating nothing but dust bunnies for dinner.

But does that really happen?

In theory, if you suppress your appetite with a pill, over-the-counter supplements, foods, drinks, or even tea – you shouldn’t feel hungry. But in practice, a lot of people say that they not only still feel hungry after taking an appetite suppressant, but they also feel like they can’t stop eating.

So do these pills actually work?

And are they safe?

I decided to do some research to find out.

In today’s article, we take a look at whether appetite suppressants can cause us to be hungry, or do they perfectly help to curb the appetite.

Do appetite Suppressants make me hungry?

Yes, appetite suppressants do have the potential to make you hungry, but only when you develop a tolerance to using that particular prescription or type.

Although everyone has a unique experience using appetite suppressants, most of the patient reviews are similar.

Studies with patients using prescription diet pills highlight that there are patients who report an extreme lack of appetite upon starting the process.

That’s not all.

Why do appetite suppressants make me hungry?

It’s a common misconception that appetite suppressants will make you less hungry. In reality, most appetite suppressants work by stimulating your digestive system and increasing your metabolism.

This can sometimes lead to increased hunger, particularly if you’re not used to the medication.

Also, many appetite suppressants contain stimulant ingredients such as caffeine or guarana, which can also increase hunger.

Thirdly, if you’re taking an appetite suppressant for a long period of time, your body may become accustomed to it and start to compensate by increasing your hunger levels. Fourth, some people experience what is known as the “rebound effect” when they stop taking appetite suppressants – their appetite comes back with a vengeance and they end up overeating.

If you’re experiencing increased hunger while taking an appetite suppressant, it’s important to talk to your doctor about any potential side effects before starting an appetite suppressant.

They can help you adjust your dosage or find a different medication that won’t cause hunger.

What happens when you take an Appetite Suppressant?

When you take an appetite suppressant, it improves that feeling of satiety or fullness in the stomach, by sending signals of fullness to the brain.

Some appetite suppressants cause the adrenal glands to become activated, to release neurotransmitters that send messages to the brain that put you in fight or flight mode.

Because of this, your body focuses on getting out of that mode, which distracts you from feeling hungry.

Generally, the signs that you see will vary based on the type of appetite suppressant you choose to take.

There are prescription appetite suppressants that work in a very different way than natural appetite suppressants, but both variations can actually work. You should be able to notice that you’re not as hungry as before, or that you haven’t even thought about food all day.

You should know though that appetite suppressants do not work by taking away your hunger completely.

Instead, appetite suppressants help you to curb cravings and improve your eating habits, by reducing the urge to snack or overeat at mealtime.

Do Appetite Suppressants work?

Studies have proven that appetite suppressants are effective in helping people to lose weight. On average, users can see a 3 to 9% weight loss reduction from taking the pills, over 12 weeks.

This is one of the reasons why a popular appetite suppressant, phentermine, has become very popular for weight loss.

It is important though, to tailor your expectations and know what to expect when taking appetite suppressants, especially those over-the-counter ones.

A good rule of thumb is to make sure you are having at least 3 meals a day.

This improves the performance of the appetite suppressant that you take, by allowing your body to receive the right nutrients to operate.

Rest is also important, as it helps your body to have time to repair cells, burn fat and restore muscle tissue.

This, combined with an increase in your water intake, is a great way to improve the way that your appetite suppressant works.

By increasing the amount of water you drink, you make sure that your hunger is not thirst, but that you are hungry.

What to do if appetite suppressants make you hungry?

If you are still hungry while taking appetite suppressants, some recommendations might help you.

The first one is to see a healthcare professional, who will be able to give you more detailed advice based on your medical history.

For non-medical related tips and advice, take a look at these 3 tips below:

  • Consider the appetite suppressant you are taking

There are many prescription and over-the-counter appetite suppressants on the market, so it may be time to choose a new one. It is possible to develop a tolerance to the appetite suppressant you are taking, which can in turn make you hungry.

You may even want to try an appetite suppressant with a natural formula that has already been proven to work, like PhenQ.

We’ll talk a bit more in-depth about PhenQ later and why over 200k people worldwide use it.

  • Meal Prep/ Meal Plan

If you have a really good appetite suppressant that works, it might become extremely difficult to remember to eat.

This is why we recommend a meal plan including timelines and food prep to make sure you eat on time. As this will improve the effectiveness of your appetite suppressant, and help to promote healthier eating habits.

  • Increase your water intake

We touched on it a little above, but you must drink more water.

Your body can easily mistake thirst for hunger sometimes, which can deceive you into believing that your appetite suppressant is not working. You can give yourself a quick tester where you have water before and between meals.

We recommend at least 3 liters of water per day, to help your body work optimally.

If you have water when you feel hungry and wait 15 minutes, you will be able to tell whether you are hungry or you were just thirsty.

Why do we recommend PhenQ appetite suppressant?

There are many reasons why PhenQ is our top recommended appetite suppressant.

First and foremost, PhenQ has been proven to be both safe and effective. It is made with all-natural ingredients, so it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or synthetic compounds that could potentially harm your health. Doesn’t contain caffeine or caffeine-like ingredients.

Additionally, PhenQ helps to boost your metabolism and increase energy levels, so you’ll feel more motivated to stay active and eat healthy foods.

Finally, PhenQ suppresses your appetite, helping you to consume fewer calories throughout the day without feeling hungry or deprived.

You can learn more about PhenQ by clicking the image below:

In Conclusion

Ultimately, appetite suppressants do not make you hungry unless you have developed a tolerance to the specific type you are taking.

It is important to allow your body to get used to the appetite suppressant, and allow it to work for the first 24 hours, before making any type of conclusive assessment.

If you have been taking appetite suppressants for a while, then your best option might be to check whether or not you may need to try a different variation of the product.

Important Disclaimer: The information contained on MAX HEALTH LIVING is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.

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