Does Pre Workout Make You Poop? (why & alternative revealed)

January 8, 2024 |

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Does pre-workouts make you poop?

Or it is just a false rumor?

Before we dive – I have a story…

Mikes poop story on Pre workouts supplements

It was the first time Mike had ever tried a pre-workout supplement.

He had heard all sorts of rumors about the stuff – that it would make you poop, give you energy as you’ve never felt before, and basically turn you into a superhuman.

Naturally, he was a little bit skeptical.

But after doing some further research online, he decided to give it a try. If not for anything – but for the positives.

And boy, was he in for a surprise.

Within minutes of taking his first dose, Mike started to feel really energized.

He was so excited to get to the gym and start working out.

But then, about half an hour in, things started to take a turn for the worse.

Mike started feeling really bloated and his stomach was making some pretty loud noises.

And then, just as he was about to finish his workout, he had the most intense bowel movement of his life. Needless to say, Mike was not impressed with this whole pre-workout thing.

In fact, he was so put off by the experience that he swore never to try another one again.

But does this mean you shouldn’t try a pre-workout supplement? Absolutely not!

The truth is, there are some really great benefits to taking a good quality pre-workout which outweigh the downsides.

Could it be that Mike’s system isn’t compatible with pre-workouts? Possibly.

Or maybe he ate or drank something shortly before taking the supplement that didn’t agree with his stomach.

But the bottom line is that everyone’s digestive system is different and what works for one person may not work for another.

So if you’re curious about whether or not taking pre workout would make you poop, it’s important to keep reading to find out more.

In this blog post, we will explore the science behind pre-workout and its effects on our digestive system.

That’s not all.

We’ll also discuss some of the most common ingredients in pre workouts and their potential side effects so your case won’t be like Mike’s.

What is a pre workout & what are its benefits?

Imagine a scenario where you are about to head to the gym. You have all of your equipment ready, but you don’t know what to take with you.

Pre workout supplements can be a great way to make sure that you have everything you need before heading to the gym. Pre workouts come in many different forms, but they all offer some type of benefit for your workout.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased energy levels

This can be achieved by taking a pre workout supplement before you head out to train. You will have more stamina and endurance while working out because it gives you an extra boost of energy that lasts throughout your entire session.

  • Improved performance at the gym or in your sport

Taking a pre workout supplement can help you perform better because it gives your muscles the nutrients they need to work at their best.

  • Increased strength and muscle mass

Pre workouts often have ingredients that are designed to help improve strength and muscle mass. When combined with a good training program, these supplements can really help you achieve your fitness goals.

  • Better focus and mental clarity

A lot of pre workouts contain ingredients that help to improve cognitive function.

This means that you will be able to focus better during your workout, and you’ll also be less likely to experience fatigue or tiredness.

There are many different types of pre workout supplements on the market, so it can be a little bit tricky to know which one is right for you depending on your fitness goals and health conditions.

Does Pre Workout Make You Poop?

The short answer is yes, pre workout does make some people poop. But it’s not because of the supplement itself – rather, it’s due to one or more ingredients that they contain which can cause this reaction in certain individuals.

Many of these supplements contain caffeine, lactose, magnesium, and other stimulants, which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea.

Additionally, many pre-workout supplements contain ingredients like creatine and BCAAs, which can also be hard on the stomach and lead to GI distress.

Some of these ingredients contained in pre workouts are poop-inducing agents.

Asides from the ingredients, another factor that could lead to pre workout induced pooping are the dosage. If someone takes a high dose of caffeine, for example, it’s more likely to irritate their stomach and cause diarrhea.

Many people use pre workouts to increase energy levels during a workout, but for some, it does the opposite and leads to some nasty system discomfort.

Why does Pre workout make me Poop

In this part, we’re going to take a look at some of the common components of pre workouts and how they interact with your bowel movement.

Starting from:

  • Caffeine

This stimulant is found in nearly all pre-workout supplements, as it has a number of energizing effects. It’s a diuretic, meaning it can make you urinate more and expel fluids from the body.

This isn’t inherently bad but if someone takes too much caffeine or combines it with another dehydrating agent, like alcohol (which does not go well with pre-workouts), then it may lead to diarrhea.

Caffeine also stimulates the nervous system which can increase heart rate and blood pressure – both of these reactions are normal when exercising but they’re not always helpful if someone isn’t used to working out regularly or training at high intensities.

In large doses, caffeine can also be a laxative, meaning it can stimulate the bowels and cause diarrhea.

All in all, caffeine is a powerful stimulant that has a variety of effects on the body, some of which can lead to GI distress.

  • Lactose

This sugar is found in dairy products and can cause problems for people who are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products.

When someone with this condition consumes lactose, they may experience symptoms like stomach cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea.

Pre-workout supplements often contain high levels of lactose, as it’s a cheap and easy way to add calories and energy to the product. For people who are intolerant, this can be a recipe for disaster.

Lactose is also found in whey protein, which is a common ingredient in pre workouts.

Whey protein does not contain lactose in its natural form, but it does undergo processing that may add some amount of lactose back into the product.

This means if you’re sensitive to dairy or have an intolerance for milk products like cheese and ice cream, then taking a pre-workout supplement could cause diarrhea because of how much lactose they contain.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that’s involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

It’s essential for energy production, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Magnesium can also be a laxative in large doses, meaning it can stimulate the bowels and cause diarrhea.

This mineral is found in many pre-workout supplements, but it’s not always listed on most nutrition labels. A lot of times, the only way to know how much magnesium you’re getting is by reading through all of those ingredients at the bottom – and that can be a real chore!

Magnesium does not dissolve well in water, so if your pre-workout supplement contains this mineral, it’s likely in the form of magnesium citrate or magnesium sulfate. Both of these forms are known to cause diarrhea if taken in high doses.

  • Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is an amino acid that’s used by the body to produce energy.

It does this by converting ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This process allows your muscles to work harder during exercise, which can increase strength and endurance.

Some people are sensitive to creatine and may experience diarrhea as a side effect.

However, this does not happen in most cases; about 20% of the population does have trouble digesting creatine monohydrate supplements because their bodies don’t make enough enzymes for breaking down food properly (this condition is called lactase deficiency).

  • Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols are a type of carbohydrate that’s found in many sugar-free products.

They’re used as sweeteners because they have a lower glycemic index than regular sugar and don’t cause the blood sugar to spike as other carbohydrates do.

However, sugar alcohols can also be a laxative in high doses, meaning they can stimulate the bowels and cause diarrhea. This is because sugar alcohols are not completely absorbed by the body, so they end up passing through undigested.

How to know if pre-workout is making you poop

You need to be able to tell when your pre-workout supplement is making you poop. If you start experiencing diarrhea after taking it, then there’s a good chance that one of the ingredients in the product is causing the problem.

The best way to figure out which ingredient is responsible is by keeping track of what you eat and drink before you take your pre-workout supplement.

For example, you might notice that drinking a cup of coffee with cream and sugar will cause diarrhea after taking creatine monohydrate – but not if you skip the caffeine altogether.

Or maybe if you find yourself running to the bathroom after eating a piece of fruit, then you know that sugar alcohols are the culprit.

If you’re not sure which ingredient is causing your diarrhea, then it’s best to stop taking the pre-workout supplement altogether and see if that helps.

What to do if pre workout is affecting your bowel movement?

Well, if you’re experiencing diarrhea after taking your pre-workout supplement, then the best thing to do is stop taking it. This will allow your body time to recover and get rid of diarrhea.

In the meantime, drink plenty of fluids and eat light, healthy meals until you feel better. You may also want to take a probiotic supplement to help restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut.

That said, there are quite a few pre-workouts out there I’d recommend that don’t make you poop.

For example, The Crazy Nutrition Pre Workouts (Intensive Pre-Train) is one out of dozens of pre-workouts that doesn’t make you poop like a mad man.

If you are tired of pre-workout supplements that have too much caffeine and other filler ingredients, then you might want to try this pre-workout supplement from Crazy Nutrition. It has the right amount of caffeine to give you energy without making you go to the bathroom. Plus, it helps you achieve the results you want.

With just one scoop of this product, you can feel the energy and drive that come from the 19 powerful natural ingredients. These ingredients will give you intense focus, determination, and explosive strength, no matter your age or skill level.

I discovered Crazy Nutrition a while making research for this post.

I found out that they make pre-workouts using natural quality ingredients that will help you work out harder. You will have more energy and be able to think more clearly without having poop problems.

You can buy their products here on their website:

Final Thoughts

If you’re experiencing irregular bowel movements after taking your pre-workout supplement, then the best thing to do is stop taking it and allow your body time to recover.

Pre workouts can make you poop but is important to be able to tell when your pre-workout supplement might be the cause so that you can stop taking it if necessary.

You should also know what kind of ingredients are most likely causing this problem before ingesting a new product.

For example, sugar alcohols or caffeine may lead to diarrhea – which means that Crazy Nutrition’s Intensive Pre-Train won’t have those side effects for you.

Important Disclaimer: The information contained on MAX HEALTH LIVING is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.

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