Does PhenQ Make Your Heart Race & Palpitations? (SEE WHY)

January 10, 2024 |

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Fat burners are always associated with racing hearts.

What about PhenQ? Is it different?

Research shows that individuals burn more fat when the heart beats between 60.2% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, depending on their age. This is also referred to as the ‘fat-burning heart rate.’

Hence, most fat burners, including PhenQ, may speed up your heart pace so that your body utilizes fat as the preferred calorie source instead of carbohydrates.

Therefore, here are some key points that will give you an idea about how PhenQ can alter heart rate and what you can use instead of it.

Key Highlights:

  • PhenQ may elevate your heart rate because of the caffeine in it or indirectly by causing dehydration or low blood sugar levels.
  • The increase in heart rate by PhenQ may be more noticeable in individuals who are caffeine-sensitive or have underlying heart disease or hypertension.
  • PhenQ PM is a suitable stimulant-free alternative to PhenQ that won’t disturb the heart.
  • Find more about PhenQ on their official website.

PhenQ serves your weight loss goals in 5 different ways. So apart from directly stimulating a higher heart rate, it has stuff that can increase your thermogenesis and help you lose water weight which may also indirectly contribute to a racing heart.

So, keep reading to discover which PhenQ ingredients may mess with your heart rhythms and what you can do to restore them to normal.

Why Do Diet Pills Increase Heart Rate?

Most diet pills contain some stimulant action which causes an adrenaline rush that may raise the heart rate.

The manufacturers design pills that exploit the effects of a stimulated sympathetic nervous system because it serves the dieter’s interest by inducing a desired reduction in appetite, elevating energy levels, and heightening the metabolism rate.

Some FDA-approved prescription drugs that work by this mechanism are Phentermine and Qsymia.

In comparison, most natural OTC diet pills, including PhenQ, employ caffeine to activate the fight-or-flight response for imparting weight loss benefits.

Therefore, in the coming section, I will discuss the influence of PhenQ on your heart in more detail.

Heart Rate

Why Does PhenQ Raise Your Heart Rate?

Caffeine is the prime ingredient in PhenQ that can be suspected of causing a racing heart rate. Other contributing reasons could be dehydration and low blood sugar levels.

Here is how.

1. Caffeine Stimulation May Make Your Heart Pulsate Faster

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that is now employed in multiple supplements for its ergogenic effects.

Caffeine is a lipophilic compound that can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to the adenosine receptors in the brain, which triggers the release of neurotransmitters that regulate important functions like wakefulness, alertness, cognition, etc.

What is important is that this binding indirectly causes the release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which regulates the fight-or-flight response.

Subsequently, this slows down gut motility and increases breathing rate, blood pressure, heart rate, fat oxidation, and blood flow to muscles as well as restlessness and anxiety.

Now PhenQ contains 142.5 mg of caffeine per serving, and you have to take its two servings daily.

Although this caffeine dose per day does not exceed, the FDA cited a maximum daily limit of 400 mg per day.

Still, individuals who are caffeine-sensitive may notice an increase in their heart rate more than others.

Apart from that, PhenQ should not be used without the doctor’s recommendation by people who have an underlying disease, so if you are facing this side effect, you may want to look into your medical history and check for heart disease or hypertension.

2. Dehydration May Make Your Heart Work More

Even though it is a general recommendation to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, you should particularly ensure it when taking PhenQ because it can increase the risk of dehydration.

It contains caffeine and capsimax, which promotes thermogenesis that may cause you to sweat more.

On top of that, PhenQ also fills you with the motivation and energy to exercise, and if you are at it as well, then your water losses are increased to many folds.

Additionally, the caffeine anhydrous inhibits the production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) hormone which prevents the re-absorption of water in the kidneys and leads to increased urination.

Regarding this, The Heart Foundation states that dehydration may negatively affect your cardiovascular system because it decreases your blood volume and blood circulation.

Consequently, to compensate, your heart will have to beat faster, which can lead to a higher heart rate and blood pressure.

PhenQ bottle tablet

3. PhenQ May Cause Hypoglycemia Which Causes Thumping Heart

Manufacturers recommend taking PhenQ with meals. This is essential because ingredients like nopal, chromium, and α- Lacy’s enhance insulin sensitivity which causes the glucose to enter muscle cells and also fights cravings.

Therefore, if you skip meals with this enhanced blood glucose regulation, it may cause hypoglycemia.

Regarding this, an article published by the American Diabetes Association elaborated that hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) causes the body to go into a state of emergency which activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers adrenaline release.

This causes the heart rate to rise, which increases the blood flow to the brain, liver, and heart in order to maintain the glucose supply to them.

Does PhenQ Cause Heart Palpitations?

Yes, some user reports indicate that PhenQ can cause heart palpitations in caffeine-sensitive individuals, but not everyone who takes it will experience them.

Plus, the severity of this side effect may vary from person to person because some individuals may be more susceptible to them due to underlying health conditions or other factors.

Nonetheless, the heart palpitations caused due to PhenQ may eventually resolve on their own in a few days when your body gets used to the caffeine.

However, if they don’t, then you should stop taking it and consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Does PhenQ Make You Jittery?

Yes, caffeine-sensitive individuals may initially get mild jitters from consuming PhenQ.

Please note that PhenQ also contains L-carnitine in addition to caffeine which stabilizes its effects by calming down the nervous system. It has anxiolytic and ant depressive effects and improves focus, motivation, and energy, all while preventing anxiety and jitters.

Still, even if you do face these symptoms, then it is likely that you will become used to them in as few as three days, or at most, it may take up to a week or 12 days.

How To Stop Jitters & Heart Palpitations Caused By PhenQ?

Keeping aside the fact that the heart palpitations caused by PhenQ may subside on their own, here are some things that you can do to make them better.

1. Stay Hydrated And Limit Caffeine Intake

As mentioned above, dehydration and caffeine sensitivity are two reasons that may cause your heart to pound fast.

Therefore, you can counter this by increasing your water intake and by limiting your caffeine consumption from other sources such as coffee, tea, chocolates, or energy drinks for a few days.

2. Monitor Your Blood Glucose

It may be a good idea to check your blood glucose when you notice a disturbance in your heart rate while you are dieting with PhenQ and take the appropriate corrective measures.

However, instead of opting for sugary foods and sweets that will wipe away your weight loss efforts, consider eating leafy green vegetables, whole grains like oats, and go nuts like almonds, pistachio, and cashews to stabilize your blood glucose.

3. Shift To A Caffeine-free Fat Burner

If you don’t want to take any risk and would prefer opting for a non-stimulant diet pill at the same retail price ($79.99) as PhenQ, then PhenQPM can serve as an effective alternative.

PhenQ PM capsule pills

It contains L-theanine, vitamin B complex, the antioxidant vitamin C, the feel-good hormone serotonin, the trace mineral chromium, and some other ingredients that help you shed extra pounds while you sleep.

All you have to do is take its four pills before bed, which will induce fat burning, speed up metabolism, prevent midnight cravings, relieve stress and promote good sleep.

The best part is that it also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee and free delivery like PhenQ.

Related Post: Is PhenQ Safe for High Blood Pressure?

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