Trenorol vs Trenbolone – What is Stronger & Safer?

February 21, 2024 |

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Trenbolone is HANDS DOWN, the strongest anabolic compound for bodybuilding – Knowing this makes it even more tempting to use it for cutting and getting a ripped and chiseled physique FAST.

BUT, Tren is an ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS steroid.

On the other hand, Crazybulk claims that their version of Tren is not only safer but also legal and just as effective as its anabolic counterpart.

Sounds a little too good to be true if you ask me.

So, what’s ACTUALLY better? Let’s find out in this analysis.

We looked into its ingredients and their potential to yield results similar to Trenbolone and also had our fitness trainer try Trenorol and share his experience with us.


Overall rating: 4.9/5
  • Supports bulking & cutting
  • Boosts free testosterone levels
  • Effective muscle growth promoter
  • Reduces recovery time
  • Fewer mild self-limiting side effects
  • Available over-the-counter
  • Free US shipping
  • Not as strong as Trenbolone


Overall rating: 1.2/5
  • Potent growth stimulator
  • Improves muscular endurance
  • Boosts strength and power
  • Synthetic androgenic steroid
  • Illegal for human use
  • Severe side effects (Liver issues, cardiac risks, gynecomastia, etc)
  • Only available in black

What is Trenorol & How Does it Work?

Trenorol is a legal Tren alternative manufactured by Crazybulk. This over-the-counter growth booster is made from natural ingredients like Nettle leaves, Cat’s claw bark, and Fennel seeds. 

These plant extracts have anabolic effects and promote protein synthesis, fiber elongation, and nitrogen flow to the muscles.

In turn, you get bigger muscles, higher stamina, and better vascularity.

Trenorol Pros

  • Made with legal ingredients in FDA-approved facilities
  • Increases growth rate of skeletal muscles
  • Facilitates fat loss
  • Helps reduce recovery time
  • Builds stamina and endurance
  • Free from allergens and artificial sweeteners 

Trenorol Cons

  • Results are not as explosive as Trenbolone’s
  • Only available online

What is Trenbolone & How Does it Work?

Trenbolone is a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS). It promotes muscle growth and fat loss in the body. And the results usually come faster and more evident than most other supplements available.

Trenbolone chemical formula

Owing to its high muscle-building potential, it is made to increase meat production in livestock. 

However, due to its severe side effects, its human usage is prohibited. Nonetheless, some bodybuilders use it off-label to gain more lean mass and cut down on extra fats. It gives results.

But at a very high cost!

Trenbolone Pros

  • Increases muscle mass and endurance
  • Suppresses appetite and reduces calorie intake
  • Fast paces the fatty acid oxidation
  • Increases sex drive and agility

Trenbolone Cons

  • Only available off-label
  • Illegal for Human Use
  • Severe side effects (potentially heart or liver failure)
  • Worsens mental health due to psycho-stimulation
  • Causes Insomnia and nightmares

Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid and is illegal to buy and use, therefore, we don’t recommend it. So, no link here, sorry 🙁

Key Ingredients of Trenorol vs Trenbolone

Trenorol is a blend of plant extracts and purified micronutrients that promote mass gain and faster recovery. These constituents are 

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Ashwagandha Extracts
  • Cat’s Claw Bark
  • Nettle Leaf Extracts
  • Fennel Extract
  • Cinnamon Extract

On the other side, Trenbolone is itself the active ingredient in Tren injections, often mixed in an inert solution. It is a synthetic steroid that has structural similarities with natural androgenic hormones like testosterone and progesterone, etc.

Resultantly, androgen receptors take these compounds as actual hormones and are activated by them.

However, its high binding capacity and longer half-life (1-2 days) make it stick to the receptors way longer than natural androgens do.

That’s why its effects (good and bad) are long-lasting and potent. 


Trenbolone is a synthetic steroid that interferes with hormonal balance for quick muscle growth. In contrast, Trenorol is made with natural plant extracts. that trigger healthy mass gain in the body. 

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Trenorol vs. Trenbolone: Bulking Benefits 

Trenorol Benefits: 

  • Triggers Growth By Uplifting Testosterone Level

Before diving into the efficacy of Trenorol, let’s discuss for a minute why steroids are so effective for muscle gain.

Androgenic hormones are the body’s natural stimulators for muscle growth, strength, and sex drive. And steroids are synthesized to mimic their action, resulting in similar results. 

However, if you can increase natural androgen production in the body, you will get better results than injecting illegal lab-made steroids. 

And that’s what Trenorol helps you do.

For instance, its Ashwagandha extracts trigger testosterone production and secretion. 

A 2022 study from Murdoch University shows that taking Ashwagandha for 8 weeks increases the testosterone level by 14.7%. 

Multiple studies confirm the positive effects of testosterone elevation from Ashwagandha. For example, one published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition proves that Ashwaghanda’s regular supplementation results in a significant increment in muscle mass and strength.

Fennel seed powder further adds to this effect by increasing DLK1 gene expression.

This gene, in turn, improves testosterone production and muscle growth.

Besides that zinc mineral also supports testosterone elevation and muscle recovery.

  • Preserves muscles With Anti-inflammatory Ingredients

In addition to promoting growth, Trenorol also reduces muscle degradation.

It has many anti-inflammatory ingredients that safeguard your muscles from injuries and fatigue. Anti-inflammatory phycoalkaloids (from Nettle leaves, Cat’s claw bark, Fennel seeds, and Cinnamon extracts) supercharge your muscles with tiny immunity booster molecules.

When muscles’ immunity against inflammation is high, lean mass is preserved even during strenuous workout sessions.

Resultantly, your muscles grow big and hard.

  • Speeds Up Muscle Recovery 

Sometimes, even with hard workouts, your muscle growth does not go beyond a certain point.

Zinc deficiency could be the reason. 

This mineral activates muscle cells and plays a vital role in DNA and protein synthesis in muscle fiber. 

However, Trenorol reverses the scenario by supplying 10 mg of Zinc within each capsule. It promotes protein synthesis and makes myofibrils become larger and stiffened. 

Cinnamon extracts are also a remedy for muscle soreness. They make muscle fiber recover faster and ache less.

Trenbolone Benefits: 

  • Increases Protein Content In Muscles 

Trenbolone is a potent anabolic steroid. And anabolic steroids are called so because they increase protein synthesis in muscles. Multiple studies performed on lab animals show that Tren increases lean muscle mass in two ways:

  • Stimulates protein synthesis 
  • Slows down protein degradation in muscles

In turn, increased protein content in muscles makes muscular fibers longer and thicker.

  • Develops A Growth-Boosting Cellular Environment

Trenbolone supports muscle enlargement by increasing nitrogen retention. When abundant nitrogen is present in the myofibers, new protein molecules can be easily synthesized.

Also, it improves the rate of anabolism in muscles by creating an optimal environment for growth.

  • Uplifts Energy With Psychostimulation 

Another way Tren helps in bulking is with its psychostimulatory effects. It overrides your nervous system, forcing your body to pump in more energy and nutrients to your muscle tissues.

Medically, it is termed a “fight or flight” response. In this state, 

  • You become more alert
  • Appetite diminishes
  • Energy extraction from muscles is promoted
  • More nutrients are supplied to muscles

As a result, you notice a fast increase in lean mass and a decrease in fat-to-mass ratio. That’s why Tren is used for both bulking (muscle gain) and cutting (fat loss).

However, this psycho-stimulation is no good, as it leads to some serious health risks such as mental health issues, insomnia, nightmares, and so on. (real user stories in the next section)


Tren is an effective anabolic compound that promotes muscle enlargement through multiple mechanisms. But these mechanisms are accompanied by numerous severe adversities as well.

Contrary to that, Crazybulk’s Trenorol is a safer yet (almost) equally effective growth booster when paired with an adequate diet and workout routine.

Trenorol small banner

What is Safer: Trenorol or Trenbolone? 

Trenorol Side Effects

Trenorol is hands down more health-friendly than Trenbolone. The reason is their chemical composition and mechanism for triggering growth.

Its stimulatory effects are not as potent as the steroid Tren. In turn, the reported side effects are also low-intensity and self-limiting.

The common ones include acne, facial hair growth, deeper voice, sleep issues, and gut issues.

  • Gut issues are mainly due to ingesting concentrated plant extracts. The potent stimulators can irritate the gut walls, leading to frequent bowel movements and excessive secretion. As a result, you might face situations like diarrhea, stomach ache, and nausea during the initial phase of the Trenorol cycle.
  • Oily skin, acne, coarse voice, and facial hair are all symptoms that result from increased testosterone levels.

Trenbolone Side Effects

Trenbolone is a lot harder on the nervous system and can put your vital organs out of order.

Common side effects reported by Tren users are high blood pressure, deeper voice, acne, facial hair, appetite suppression, depressive thoughts, and violent dreams.

trenbolone reddit review

Many users develop gynecomastia after using Tren due to its extreme androgen-mimicking activity.

Negative outcomes like insensitivity, anger, possessiveness, and Trensomnia are also common. Sleep disturbance further adds to the aggression you feel when running a Tren cycle.

I have also seen a lot of users mention they start doubting their spouses for cheating or are even divorced due to poor social behavior and too much sex drive.

trenbolone reddit review

Besides that, Trenbolone also has a history of causing serious disorders like heart attack, liver damage, and psychosis.

In 2014, a 23-year-old bodybuilder was admitted to the emergency ward soon after getting a Trenbolone shot. It turned out that he had a heart attack due to heavy Tren dosage.

study about trenbolone side effects

Trenbolone also puts liver health at risk. According to the American Journal of Gastroenterology, acute hepatitis can result from long-term Tren usage.

study 2 about trenbolone side effects

Another major Tren adversity is poor mental health. Most users report having aggressive feelings during Tren cycles. Anxiety, aggression, and mental instability are also confirmed by studies performed on Tren users.

trenbolone side effects

Trenorol is a safer growth booster. Its natural ingredients only have the potential for mild side effects.

In contrast, Trenbolone’s side effects are severe and life-threatening. Not only can they damage your health but also your relationships and social behavior.

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Trenorol Cycle and Trenbolone Cycle 

Trenorol Cycle 

Crazybulk recommends using Trenorol at least for 2 months to see a significant change in your physique. The best practice is to extend the cycle to 2 months and then rest for 1.5 weeks.

To get the best results, use 4 capsules daily. On workout days, have them 45 minutes to an hour before going to the gym. While on off days, take the growth booster dose (all 4 capsules) with breakfast.

Trenbolone Cycle 

Most Tren users advocate an 8 to 12-week cycle for Trenbolone.

Doses vary according to the tolerance and experience level of the users, usually ranging from 60 to 400 mg per week. 

Trenorol and Trenbolone Reviews

Trenorol Before and After

Below are some reviews and transformation pictures, users have shared after using Trenorol alone and in combination with other Crazybulk products. 

Andrew reported higher muscle mass and power only 6 weeks after starting Trenorol.

trenorol review 1

Bruce called it a great product as he could see the vivid bulking results.

trenorol review 2

Trenbolone Before and After

Being illegal, Trenbolone does not have reviews on verified platforms. However, you can find plenty of them on Reddit and personal blogs of some bodybuilders.

Users have mixed opinions. While most get good bulking and cutting results, they were also overwhelmed by the side effects.

Mental health deterioration is one of the main side effects Tren users complain of, just like Pen2When.

trenbolone review

One of the Tren success stories is Levko13’s transformation from a 300-pound to a 180-pound ripped gentleman.

tren review reddit

However, he concluded his transformation story, mentioning that insomnia while using the steroid can drive you crazy. And what makes a real difference is diet, not the compound you take.

Related: Trenorol Review: Everything To Know

How Much Does It Cost to Buy Trenorol vs Trenbolone?

Trenorol – Where To Buy & Price

One bottle of Trenorol has 90 capsules, enough for one month of regular usage.

You will be paying $64.99 if you buy a single pack. However, if you want to buy 3 bottles for the price of 2, check out this bundle deal they have going on:

Trenorol small banner

REMEMBER: Trenorol and other Crazybulk supplements are only available from If you find similar products selling anywhere else on the internet or in the local stores, be warned, they might not be authentic.

Trenbolone – Where To Buy & Price

Trenbolone is illegal for human usage. Not only can you experience health-wrecking side effects, but can also get in trouble if authorities find out that you carry or use it.

So, the safer way is to stay away from it. Opt for natural, health-friendly alternatives instead.


Bundle discounts and free shipping make Trenorol more budget-friendly than Trenbolone. Also, it is legal and safe. So, you won’t have to pay heavy medical or legal fees later on to save your life!

Trenorol small banner


Is Trenorol as good as Tren?

Trenorol helps you grow lean mass using multiple mechanisms as does the original Tren. Its bulking results are also impressive. (as you can see above, in the before and after sections)

Does Trenorol increase testosterone?

Ashwagandha extracts in Trenorol naturally increase testosterone production, resulting in better growth results.

Is Trenorol considered a steroid?

No, Trenorol is not a steroid. It is an over-the-counter supplement containing legal and safe ingredients.

Which Bulking Supplement is Best?

Trenbolone is a potent growth booster. Within a few weeks, it can turn you into a muscular beast. But associated adversities make it a highly risky deal. Because even the best bulking results are not worth risking your life, especially when you can get similar results from safer alternatives like Trenorol, which is safer, legal, and yields sustainable results.

Important Disclaimer: The information contained on MAX HEALTH LIVING is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.

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